Monday, 27 January 2014

Self Employed Health Insurance Premiums

For self-employed US citizens having a net profit for any particular year the premiums paid for health insurance policies covering medical expenses and long-term care services are also deductible. Apart from the payments made to doctors and other health care professionals, in-patient hospital and nursing home care, acupuncture treatments, cure for alcohol and drug addiction and payment made to weight loss programs and certain diseases may also be deducted. But burial expenses, medicine bought over the counter, health improvement tours and cosmetic surgeries are not deductible.
How to Claim?
In order to claim deductions on your dental and medical expenses under IRS publication 502 your tax return must be filed on Form 1040. Along with the deductions itemized, all other expenses sans premiums paid for health insurance by self-employed citizens a Schedule ‘A’ attachment is to be used. For self employed tax-payers Form 1040 is to be directly used for deduction of their insurance premiums. Any other cost incurred in addition to this must also be mentioned in the Schedule ‘A’ attachment.

Apart from that. To make medical expenses and insurance premiums deductible they must also be paid with after tax money. This implies that medical expenses paid through Health Savings Accounts or expenses that are withheld from the paycheck and are paid through pre-tax money are not covered for tax deduction under IRS publication 502. This particular publication is normally used by tax-payers for determining deductible medical expenses without any regard to the time when the service was actually provided. You can also use the Section 125 health plans along with IRS publication 502 to determine the expenses covered by this publication.

File Your Medical Expenses with IRS Publication 502

If your deductions are itemized and dental and medical expenses are anticipated to be included then with the help of IRS publication 502 you can determine which expenses will actually qualify during a tax year. After calculating the sum of all the medical and dental bills that are deductible, you can deduct any portion that exceeds 7.5% of your AGI.
Dental and medical expenses that you incurred for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of either physical or mental illness are defined by IRS publication 502. Equipment expenditure and cost of diagnostic services are also included along with the supplies that are necessary for servicing these particular conditions. Apart from the prescribed medication insulin is the solitary nonprescription material that can be deducted and cosmetic surgeries are not also covered by the IRS definition.
Eligibility for Deduction:

According to the guidelines set forth by IRS publication 502 an American tax-payer can claim deductions during a tax year if the expenses are actually incurred. As per the guidelines, if the payment for a certain treatment is made one year and the treatment actually takes place in the following tax year, the expenses can be reported on the tax return of the previous year. According to this publication an expense is to be reported in the year, during which it was incurred and not with the year when the services were actually received.
IRS Form 2106

Claiming of business expenses for tax reduction

To claim for business expenses, it is necessary to understand what it constitutes. Personal expenses such as using vehicles for personal errands do not come under business expense. A clear idea regarding what constitutes and what do not constitute business expense are a crucial point and the need to keep this in mind when claiming tax deductions. A meticulous record of expenditure is necessary.
For example, when one goes for a business trip it is important to note down mileage without fail. Only then, it is possible to claim a reduction in taxes at the end of the year. In order to make the job of the taxpayer was easy tax return forms contain separate categories for every kind of expense, including travel, advertising, and office supplies. In cases when the expenses override profit it is possible to claim losses and even get reductions in income tax.
Tracking Business Expenses:
For businesses, it is almost impossible to keep a record of the expenses day in and day out. In such situations, it is always a better idea to go for software.  There are a number of computer programs available that one can purchase. Accounting software that comes with state of the art features can take away hassles of keeping track of the expenses and using them during yearly tax returns.
To make the most of such programs, it is necessary to set the different expense categories in a proper manner based on individual business situations. This way the only thing that remains is to input relevant data into right categories and let the software calculate final expenses.

IRS publication 535 gives businesses a chance to breathe a sigh of relief and get crucial tax deductions at the end of the year.
Alabama Business Tax Extension

IRS Publication 535

IRS publication 535 discusses various kinds of business expenses and there is how one can use those expenses for getting tax reductions. Businesses are always looking for ways to decrease load of taxes, and publication 535 suggests ideal methods to achieve the same. One can get guidance regarding deductible and nondeductible expenditure and get an outline regarding common items included in the deduction. The golden rule regarding deductions is that business expenses need to be crucial and ordinary in order to get the label of the deductible.
By ordinary business expense the IRS  means expenditures common to a particular industry. Necessary expenses are those that are crucial for the conduct of business and form an integral part of the whole process. It is necessary to segregate business expenses from material cost, capital expenses, or personal expenses. Businesses deduct these expenses from receipts in order to determine company profits. In such a scenario, it is not possible to use them again for deductions in the form of business expenses and gain tax benefits.

All kinds of business incur one or other type of expense. This is also true for freelancers, consultants, or contractors. By using these expenses, it is possible to lower income taxes s well as self-employment tax; and therein lies the importance of publication 535.

Information about Qualified Dividends

Only those dividends come under qualified bracket that come through specific foreign companies or US corporations. Foreign corporations to offer qualified dividends must come under comprehensive US IT treaty. Another candidate for qualified dividend is stock paid through the United States securities market, including NASDAQ. Publication 550 also mentions that in order for a dividend to come under qualified bracket an investor must hold it for at least 60 days. In cases where there is a minimum loss of risk, reduction is possible in this stipulated period.
The qualified dividend category includes distributions on farmer’s cooperatives, capital gains, tax exempt organization dividends, and deposit account dividends. Another exception is securities dividends from employee ownership plans that corporations paying dividends maintain. Qualified dividends constitute a broad spectrum and an understanding of it is necessary to ensure that one uses only the appropriate one during tax filing and stay on the right side of IRS.
2013 Business Tax Extension
Significance of Qualified Dividends:
What is behind the hullabaloo over qualified dividends? Why are they crucial for a taxpayer? Taxpayers who come within 10%-15% income tax bracket receive a significant preferential treatment during their tax returns. This is because capital gain rates for such individuals are 0%. Those within marginal tax bracket benefit the most from declaring qualified dividends when filing returns. Those above the 25% margin also get significantly lower rates with only 15% capital gains taxes. Other forms of income, as bond interests do not offer such interesting benefits and these come within simple dividends.

Those who consider themselves receiving qualified dividends should go through IRS publication 550 for gaining a better insight into what makes up such dividend and how they can use it for tax benefits.

IRS Publication 550

IRS publication 550 involves information for the taxpayers on the use of investment income/expenses during filing of income tax returns. One issue that dogs the individual when filing tax returns is about qualifying dividends. The first question that arises is how to differentiate between qualified and simple dividends. In addition, it is important to understand how qualified dividends can help in reducing your taxes. Publication 550 explains all this and more.
What is a Dividend?
It is the amount paid by corporations to stockholders. This may be in the form of cash, stock, or property. These represent profits that corporations earn over a period. The Internal Revenue Service considers it as income and therefore levies taxes. Simple dividends work as ordinary income; however, taxes on qualified dividends use positive capital gain rates. There has to be a clear demarcation between simple and qualified dividends to avoid confrontation with revenue services that can land taxpayers into unnecessary problems.

IRS classification involving qualified dividends may lead to lower tax liabilities. One needs to calculate total taxes to qualified dividends and find reductions in the amounts owed. In general, mutual fund dividends and stocks come under qualified bracket. However, a clear idea on the same never hurts and a deep study of publication 550 provides the information.
Tax Extension Forms 2013

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Ten Possible Reasons for Your Federal Tax Refund Delay

Claiming head of household when you aren’t one.  many single people will claim this tax filing status because it results in less tax paid or higher refund, whichever is applicable.
    Claiming education credits when you aren’t eligible because you didn’t enroll in any classes or if your educational institution isn’t eligible to use with the education tax credit.
    Claiming the child care credit and you didn’t pay for day care or didn’t have children
    Claiming EIC by claiming dependents you don’t have.  EIC is the Earned Income Credit, designed for low income workers.  It gives a credit to low income workers to encourage them to work by not having all their income taxed away from them, making them just not want to work at all.  The more kids you have, the bigger the EIC.  So claiming fake kids is a common tax fraud method.  And a top reason why you may have a federal tax refund delay on your hands.
    You filed so early that some tax forms weren’t ready yet.  In this case the IRS just sits on your return until all software is ready to handle all tax forms.
    You put the wrong bank account info for your refund direct deposit.  Your tax refund bounces back to the IRS and they have to contact you, etc.
    You didn’t file electronically.  Paper tax returns mailed to the IRS have to be processed by hand.  This adds at least a month to the arrival of your tax refund.
    You had to change something after your submitted your taxes.  Amendments can’t be filed electronically so basically you’ll be on the same time schedule as the paper filers.
Tax Extension Form 4868
    You claimed the education credit for 2012.  The late decisions by congress on the fiscal cliff delayed a lot of programming the IRS had to do to get tax software ready for tax season.  IRS form 8863 wasn’t ready for processing by the IRS until March so if you filed before they were ready to process that form then your tax refund got delayed.
    You filed at the last minute.  If you filed late or right around the tax due date, then you aren’t alone!  So many people file at the deadline or right around it that the IRS has trouble processing that huge glut in a timely manner.  Just wait it out and you’ll eventually get your IRS tax refund.

Federal Tax Refund Calendar

There’s no longer a Federal Tax Refund Calendar for checking the status of your IRS refund.  Now, taxpayers who want to know the status of an IRS refund must log in with the IRS website and receive an answer that’s drawn from the IRS database system, just for them.  It’s more accurate and you’ll end up receiving more information in the long run.
But for a general all-purpose Federal Tax Refund Calendar and to see a timeline, here’s what we’ve got.
Federal Tax Refund Calendar
December 31     The End of the Tax Year
January 1     Usually you can start filing your federal income tax return by now
January 21     The earliest that your IRS refund would be ready, on average
January 31     W2 statements are due from employers to employees
January 31     1099-INT due recipients
January 31     1099-MISC due to contractors
February 18     1099-MISC due if there are amounts in boxes 8 or 14
As you can see, some documents you’ll need in order to prepare your income taxes are not even due to you until the end of January.  So even if you are able to file your taxes on January 1, you should wait until you get your W2 and 1099 statements, if applicable.
1099-MISC is for when you did work as a contractor and not as a regular employee somewhere.  1099-INT is for income you earned from the interest on your savings account.  W2s is the wage report from your employer.  The IRS gets a copy of all these things, the same copy you’ll get in the mail.  If you don’t wait for these tax statements and use them to prepare your tax return, you may be filling in the wrong amounts since you’ll be guessing what’s on them.  The IRS will notice any discrepancies and delay your IRS refund.  So, you might as well wait for your tax documents to arrive in the mail before you try to file your federal income tax return.
IRS Tax Extension 2013

IRS Refund Schedule

Proud of yourself, eh?  You got your taxes done and now all you have to do is sit back and wait for your tax refund.  What’s that you say?  Waiting is not working out for you?  You want to know where your IRS refund might be.  Used to be taxpayers could consult the refund chart for the present year and guest mate pretty accurately when they’d get their refund.  But no longer.  The IRS will not publish an IRS Refund Schedule.  You will not find any Refund Chart anywhere on reputable websites.
Want to know why?  Because the IRS doesn’t do that anymore.  Tax returns are processed differently now, which means they travel a whole new pathway inside the IRS complex of computer processing software.  There are many divergent pathways your return could take now…because the IRS has implemented new ways of checking our tax returns for fraud.
The old way of sending your tax return to be processed simply added up the numbers and stamped it “processed”, then issued your refund.  Pretty predictable and charitable.  Yes, we could chart the progression of our tax returns, right down to the day on which our IRS refunds would be issued.  But like I said, this is no longer the case.
Now, there are millions more steps along the way to completion.  The IRS Refund Schedule 2014 involves a lot more work before you get your refund.  In fact, the schedule may be very much extended for some taxpayers and hardly affected at all for others.  It all depends on whether your return gets flagged for suspicious info, thereby becoming sidetracked from the regular refund schedule.
Alabama Business Tax Extension Form
Picture a highway… from point A to point B.  Point A is the day you submit your tax return.  Point B is the day you get your IRS refund.  It’s a straight highway…which is how we used to be able to have things like the IRS Refund Schedule.  But fraud checks along the way are like exits off the main highway.  If your return gets flagged the your return has to exit the main highway while it gets checked over more carefully.  That will delay the supposed schedule.
Those exit-delays can happen several times, once time, or not at all so the idea of a refund schedule has been rendered obsolete now.  Therefore, if you need info on where your IRS refund might be, use the online IRS Refund Tracker located on the IRS website.

What Your IRS Refund Status May Mean

But don’t panic if you check your IRS Refund Status and it continues to say in process day after day.  What’s more important is that the IRS acknowledges they received your tax return.  If you filed electronically, you should have got an email shortly after filing, let’s say within 24 hours.  It will come directly from the IRS, even if you filed through tax prep software or a walk-in tax preparation services company.  This is the first step, since if they never got your return you’ll have to find out what happened…re-open your tax software account and check to see if you really did finish and file or something went awry at the end and it failed to transmit to the IRS.
Arizona Business Tax Extension
But panicking if, upon checking your IRS Refund Status for you keep seeing that it’s in process, is a bad sign.  It’s a sign that you are counting on your IRS refund for something.  That’s a mistake.  Since the IRS can’t guarantee when refunds are issued, taxpayers should not be purchasing things in hopes that their IRS refunds will come through soon to pay for things.  Similarly, don’t delay your rent payment because you’re waiting for your IRS refund to come through.  You’ll compound your problems and cause yourself to develop an ulcer.  There’s absolutely nothing you can do to make the IRS move faster in processing your return and issuing your refund faster.